Thursday, June 14, 2012



2) humanitarian supply chains


4) Research directions
  • Drug Supply 
  • Beds,nets non-pharma allocations
  • Drug allocation
  • Docs , Nurse , Testing facilities

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


  1. Some varaibility is inherent , don't over-control things . Butthe limit should be known
  2. Workers should feel a sense of ownership , but since knowa days people are responsible for certain process , it's diffcult , they should they are responsible for the qualty of end product , qualiy circles help in this regard
  3. Seven step method

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Grand Viva

  1. Fav actress , last movie..i was like (WTH !! )
  2. FE - explain in lay-man terms , book name .
  3. Networks - mention all the topics . max cut min flow
  4. PM - steps in monte carlo sim. , buffer , project criticality , CCPM , steps to reuce project redundancy
So all what i studied was waste from GV point of view , i basically studied QDC .. The thing with interviews is for a good one , it an on going preparation process . They can ask anything , and whatever you have studied , how well you know it is he only thing that matters .
Also it's a bit arbit - they can selective elaborative in it , guess some people have their own share of bad-luck :) . the point being , Everything shall pass , be deligent - the buddha mantra .

If in a day i can give that performance , with due preparation one can deliver anything .

Monday, April 23, 2012

Operation research

It's an essential of my dep and i don't know it and i shall learn this definitely :)